Fan coil units use during major maintenance work is timely cleaning and replacing the air filter, single-tube heat exchangers and unit chassis regular cleaning, etc. The purpose is to reduce the failure rate of the unit. Fan coil is usually mounted directly in the air-conditioned room, which served the state and worked to influence the quality of the indoor air quality and noise levels. Therefore, you must do the air filter, drip tray, coils, fans and other major components of routine maintenance to ensure the fan coil functioning properly, does not have a negative impact.
In order to ensure efficient heat transfer requirements of the coil surface must be kept clean. However, since the fan coil are generally equipped with coarse filter, aperture is relatively large, at the beginning of use, it is inevitable that passes through the filter and dust attached to the surface of the pipe or fin coil. If not clean, it will cause the coil to reduce the amount of hot and cold water and heat exchange coil outward through the air, thereby making the heat exchanger coil performance can not be fully realized. If a lot of dust adhesion, and even part of the air passage between the fins are blocked, then the fan coil while also reducing the amount of air to air-conditioning performance is further reduced.
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Referring way to clean the air filter can clean manner, but the cleaning cycle can be longer, generally cleaned once a year. If the seasonal use of air conditioning, the use of clean time after the end of the season in the air conditioning. Not a last resort, not a holistic removed from the installation site clean way to reduce the impact of the amount of cleaning and disassembly worked worked caused.
After the fan coil used for a period of time, it will accumulate on the fins of the impeller for dirt and germs, when the dust reaches a certain thickness, fin cooling effect will be affected, leading to the room temperature is below standard, in addition to long-term cleaning fan coil breeding ground for a variety of bacteria, these bacteria can cause disease on the human respiratory tract, it is recommended that fan coil should be cleaned regularly, fan coil cleaning meaning lower operating costs and enhance the value of assets; reducing drag VAV unit improve the heat exchange efficiency, increase the amount of air, save energy; clear to send, return air system, bacteria, dust, improve indoor air quality; regular fan coil system maintenance and prolong the service life of the unit.